Summer Camp Survey

Dear Parents, we are proposing the return of Montessori Summer Camp at Aquinas this summer. The core hours will be from 8:30am till 3:00pm, Before-Care will begin at 7:30am and After-Care will continue through 6:00pm.

In order to develop a program in which children will thoroughly enjoy themselves, we would like your input. Please complete this short, simple survey.

Your Name (optional): 

1. During the morning session (8:30am - Noon) campers will have Montessori instruction by our Aquinas teachers.

Please rank your preference for each area of curriculum (1 - 6):

 Practical Life

Other ideas:

2. During the afternoon session (1 - 3pm) campers will participate in arts and crafts, swimming, games, and drama & music

Please rank your interest in the following (1 - 4):

 Arts and Crafts
 Playground Games
 Drama and Music

Other ideas:

3. Are you interested in weekly camp themes?  Yes   No

If so, please rank your interest in the following (1 - 7):

 Animal classification (reptiles, birds, mammals, crustaceans, etc .)
 Heroes from Children's Literature (i.e. Harry Potter)
 Native American Warriors and Princesses
 Tour around the World (Asia, Africa, Americas, Europe, Australia & Antarctica)

Other ideas:

4. Would you be interested in Early care, 7:30 - 8:30am:  Yes   No

5. Would you be interested in After care, 3 - 6pm:  Yes   No

6. Please indicate the likelihood that your child will participate in our Montessori Summer Camp this summer:

1 = not at all likely
2 = possibly
3 = probably
4 = very likely
5 = certainly

 One Week
 Several Weeks
 All Weeks

7. Any other suggestions regarding our summer camp?